Autore: claudine

Your project Our passion

Il contratto di disponibilità

Tramite il contratto di disponibilità viene offerta la possibilità di costruire e mettere a disposizione dell’amministrazione aggiudicatrice un’opera di proprietà privata da destinare all’esercizio di un pubblico servizio, a fronte di un corrispettivo. L’affidatario del contratto deve progettare e realizzare la struttura da destinarsi all’esercizio di un pubblico servizio, deve garantirne la costante fruibilità secondo gli standard…
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Team legale 2

Il team legale è composto da un team di avvocati tutti con esperienza pluriennale con particolare riferimento ad operazioni di Partenariato Pubblico Privato. Dott.ssa Avv. Velia Maria Leone, membro del Team of Specialists on PPP presso l’United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), nonché ex responsabile dell’area legale dell’Unità Tecnica Finanza di Progetto. Dal 2004…
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Stages of consultancy

Stages of consultancy: 1. Project identification (only for private initiative) Identifying opportunities for intervention through agreements of Public-Private Partnership 2. Assistance in setting up an enterprise group 3. Operation set up  Coordination and task scheduling  Strategic advice in preparing the proposal 4. Legal assistance  Risk analysis and drafting of the risk matrix  Analysis and preparation…
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Private initiative

PRIVATE INITIATIVE PFC assists the Public Administration in the evaluation of proposals from private individuals, defining: – The formal procedures to be observed. – Economic and Financial Plan Analysis: input and output correctness control; profitability and sustainability indicators analysis; analysis of alternative scenarios; analysis of adequacy of the required public grant; identification of criteria in…
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Public initiative

PUBLIC INITIATIVE PFC supports the Public Entities in structuring a PPP initiative of the Public Administration through: – Coordination of economic actors involved in the financial analysis of the project. – Preparation of the economic – financial statements needed. evaluation of the economic viability of the project; “Value for Money” analysis; construction of “Risk Matrix”;…
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Profitability analysis of an investment project and assistance to bank financing

Profitability analysis of an investment project and assistance to bank financing (exclusion of activities reserved to credit brokers); Preparation of an economic and financial plan in the medium/long term containing: the forecasted income statement, the balance Sheet and the tables of the financial flows; Calculations of the profitability and bankability indicators and the discounted payback…
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Preparation of economic and financial plan in support of judicial and extrajudicial solutions

Preparation of economic and financial plan in support of judicial and extrajudicial solutions oriented to the business continuation; Preparation of various scenario of economic and financial plan (containing the forecasted income statement, the balance Sheet and the tables of the financial flows), of asset and debt restructuring Calculations of bankability indicators as a result of the…
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Technical analysis and check of the calculations of interest applied to bank loans

Technical analysis and check of the calculations of interest applied to bank loans in order to verify the actual cost; Check of the formula used by the bank to calculate the interest; Calculation of the effective annual percentage rate of charge; Assistance to the lawyer in lawsuit of compound interest and usury. Back

Preparation of business plan and information memorandum

Preparation of business plan and information memorandum in order to discover new investors and to evaluate a company; Project description Analysis of the investments planned and of the market target SWOT analysis Economic and financial plan on a medium/long term Calculations of the profitability and bankability indicators Calculations of the company value using the main…
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Corporate finance

The main services offered by PFC in the field of Corporate Finance can be summarized as follows: